Digestive problems are the main problems your baby has in the early years of his growth. This problem occurs because the baby's digestive system is still not able to work perfectly. One of the digestive problems in infants that often frustrates and worries mothers is bloating. The bloating stomach in the baby occurs because the amount of gas entering the baby's body is too much when it feeds. If your baby has this problem try to apply some tips and how to cope with stomach bloating in the following baby.
How to Overcome Flatulence in Infants
Abdominal bloating in infants occurs because of the amount of gas (air) that enters the intestines and stomach as it suckles. In addition, this problem can also be caused by the consumption of formula milk that contains too much fat. If your baby has it, do one of the seven ways to overcome the flatulence.
1. Apply the Right Breastfeeding Technique
To prevent entry of air into your baby's stomach while you are breastfeeding, make sure you have applied the correct breastfeeding technique. If the baby is breastfeeding, while breastfeeding the baby's head position is higher than the stomach. Whereas if the baby is nursing through the pacifier, try to keep the dot, hole, and rubber dot in accordance with the baby's age.
2. Stimulation of Belching
In addition can be used to overcome the hiccups in infants, stimulation of belching can also help prevent flatulence in your baby. Stimulation of belching is done every baby is finished breastfeeding. The trick is to hold him in an upright position, leaning his head on your shoulder, then pat his back slowly until the baby began to burp.
3. Use essential oil
Applying essential oil around the abdomen and the baby's back can also help the expenditure of gas trapped in the intestine. After each shower or when he is fussy try to wipe a few drops of essential oil as he gently massage it with the direction of movement as presented picture on the side. How to cope with flatulence in this one baby is quite effective if done painstakingly.
4. Use a red onion slice
When there is no essential oil, the mother used to use sliced red onion to overcome the problem of flatulence suffered by her baby. They apply this ingredient and apply the juice that came out evenly to the entire stomach and baby's back. Red onion extract gives a warm sensation that will stimulate gas out through the frequent farting. Although impressed old school, but there's nothing wrong you also try this one way.
5. Stop Milk Formula
Abdominal bloating in infants can also be caused by intake of formula milk that contains lots of fat. Fat is a compound that is actually important to help the baby's development, but some babies will usually be difficult to digest. The process of digesting fat in the baby's body will produce a lot of gas in the stomach so that will aggravate the situation. For that, if your baby has a flatulence every time given a certain formula, then stop the use.
6. Drink Warm Water
Giving a drink of warm water is also a way of overcoming bloating in the baby is quite powerful. Warm water that enters the small intestine will push the gas causing flatulence to get out through the fart. This method can be applied to infants aged> 6 months. If under that age, enough of her mother who regularly drink warm water.
7. Allow Baby On
How to cope with flatulence in infants can also be done by letting the baby move actively. Movements of the baby will encourage the digestion process to run more optimally, but also can help the gas out through fart and belch.
Such are some ways to cope with flatulence in infants that you can apply. Keep in mind also that, for nursing mothers, try to avoid foods that can trigger the gas such as cauliflower, cabbage, onions, broccoli, or nuts. Because the food is consumed by the mother, the juice will flow through the milk and cause problems in the baby's bloating is getting worse. May be useful.