Colic Causes the Baby Crying Excessively Especially at Night
Babies who cry excessively most usually do have a relationship with Colic. Colic itself is a condition where the baby's digestive system is disturbed, making the baby's stomach feel uncomfortable. Colic in baby is characterized by crying for hours, can be up to 3 hours a day, for at least 3 days a week, even up to 3 weeks or more. And generally colic occurs in the first few weeks after the baby is born, and will stop after the baby is 4 months old.
Causes of Colic in baby
Colic occurs in 20% of baby, and the cause is not known for certain. But it often happens because of indigestion caused by:
The digestive system and the central nervous system are not perfect in the newborn.
Abdominal bloating due to "catching cold", or too many babies swallowing air while nursing.
Experiencing constipation to hard "waste of wind".
Reflux, a condition in which stomach acid and milk are back up into the esophagus.
Intensitive baby intestines (intolerance) against certain types of proteins or lactose (eg cow's milk formula) so that allergic to milk.
However, sometimes this condition is not diagnosed, so it is not suspected as a health problem. And you need to know, Colic can occur in babies who grow with adequate nutrition, healthy, active and good growth.
Recognize crying baby because of colic
Babies may be suspected of having colic when crying shows characteristics:
Crying very loudly with screams and episodic that is one moment arises, one moment disappears, but one or two minutes later will cry again.
Crying excessively after drinking or waking up, especially at night. But the baby remains normal and healthy besides those times.
Usually followed by hand movements clenched to the abdomen, body tighten, knees bent toward the chest, his face flushed, and also accompanied arched back.
Abdominal bloated baby, marked with a baby stomach that feels a bit hard, and several times "waste of wind".
That's some of the symptoms of colic that causes babies crying excessively, especially at night.