Gas in Stomach, Normal or Signs of Disease?

Gas in Stomach, Normal or Signs of Disease?
Flue gas is commonplace. It is part of the digestive process. Everyone produce gas in the digestive organs. Even an average adult can produce nearly a liter each day. But gas can also be a sign of indigestion.

Exhaust gas with symptoms of weight loss, anorexia, severe diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and severe abdominal pain can be a marker of several diseases such as intestinal inflammation, food intolerance, appendicitis, and other diseases.

Then how to distinguish normal abdominal gas with signs of disease? Here are some things that can be differentiated:

1. Normal gas or irritable bowel syndrome?
When the gas comes with severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating that occurs at least every three days of the month, then you need to suspect it. It could be that it is a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The disease can stimulate the production of more gas in the stomach. In people with IBS, the nerves in the digestive tract become more sensitive to the gas within the organ.

2. Gas or food intolerance?
If the smell of gas is worse after you eat certain foods such as lactose-containing dairy products, you may experience food intolerance. Food intolerance is the inability to digest certain foods, such as lactose. When bacteria in the colon can not digest properly a particular food type, then the food is fermented into gas. Some people experience this disorder because their intestines do not have enough enzymes to digest lactose.

3. Gas or pancreatitis?
Gas is normal, but the gas that is accompanied by swelling of the stomach, fever, nausea and vomiting may be a sign of pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, an organ that secretes some digestive enzymes. In people with this disease, gas production in the digestive system is very high.

4. Gas or ulcer?
Gases accompanied by severe abdominal pain and other digestive problems may be caused by ulcers or injuries that occur in the stomach or intestine lining. Ulcers are caused by many things including bacterial infections, excess stomach acid production, and the use of certain drugs. Ulcers can occur in some organs in the digestive system, but most often the stomach, esophagus, or upper intestine are twelve fingers.

5. Gas or inflammation of the appendix?
Fever, nausea, and vomiting accompanied by gas may be a warning for serious infections, such as appendicitis or appendicitis. Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of appendicitis, but other symptoms may include an inability to get rid of gas, constipation, or diarrhea. Surgical removal of the appendix is required before the organ breaks.

6. Gas or gallbladder problems?
Excess gas may be a sign of gallbladder problems, especially when the gas is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, chronic diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The gallbladder is a bile storage produced from the liver. In some cases these problems sometimes do not cause symptoms. But actually the problem of gallbladder can be a serious problem, so it is important to be aware of the symptoms of the gallbladder.

7. Normal gas or celiac disease?
Severe diarrhea, abnormal feces (such as fat and odor), and weight loss are signs of celiac disease. It is a kind of immune reaction to gluten, or protein in flour. This immune reaction causes changes in the intestinal surface that cause food absorption disorders including carbohydrates. This poorly digested food then enters the large intestine, where bacteria ferment it to produce excess gas in the stomach.

7 Ways to Overcome Flatulence in Infants

Digestive problems are the main problems your baby has in the early years of his growth. This problem occurs because the baby's digestive system is still not able to work perfectly. One of the digestive problems in infants that often frustrates and worries mothers is bloating. The bloating stomach in the baby occurs because the amount of gas entering the baby's body is too much when it feeds. If your baby has this problem try to apply some tips and how to cope with stomach bloating in the following baby.

How to Overcome Flatulence in Infants
Abdominal bloating in infants occurs because of the amount of gas (air) that enters the intestines and stomach as it suckles. In addition, this problem can also be caused by the consumption of formula milk that contains too much fat. If your baby has it, do one of the seven ways to overcome the flatulence.

1. Apply the Right Breastfeeding Technique
To prevent entry of air into your baby's stomach while you are breastfeeding, make sure you have applied the correct breastfeeding technique. If the baby is breastfeeding, while breastfeeding the baby's head position is higher than the stomach. Whereas if the baby is nursing through the pacifier, try to keep the dot, hole, and rubber dot in accordance with the baby's age.

2. Stimulation of Belching
In addition can be used to overcome the hiccups in infants, stimulation of belching can also help prevent flatulence in your baby. Stimulation of belching is done every baby is finished breastfeeding. The trick is to hold him in an upright position, leaning his head on your shoulder, then pat his back slowly until the baby began to burp.

3. Use essential oil
Applying essential oil around the abdomen and the baby's back can also help the expenditure of gas trapped in the intestine. After each shower or when he is fussy try to wipe a few drops of essential oil as he gently massage it with the direction of movement as presented picture on the side. How to cope with flatulence in this one baby is quite effective if done painstakingly.

4. Use a red onion slice
When there is no essential oil, the mother used to use sliced red onion to overcome the problem of flatulence suffered by her baby. They apply this ingredient and apply the juice that came out evenly to the entire stomach and baby's back. Red onion extract gives a warm sensation that will stimulate gas out through the frequent farting. Although impressed old school, but there's nothing wrong you also try this one way.

5. Stop Milk Formula
Abdominal bloating in infants can also be caused by intake of formula milk that contains lots of fat. Fat is a compound that is actually important to help the baby's development, but some babies will usually be difficult to digest. The process of digesting fat in the baby's body will produce a lot of gas in the stomach so that will aggravate the situation. For that, if your baby has a flatulence every time given a certain formula, then stop the use.

6. Drink Warm Water
Giving a drink of warm water is also a way of overcoming bloating in the baby is quite powerful. Warm water that enters the small intestine will push the gas causing flatulence to get out through the fart. This method can be applied to infants aged> 6 months. If under that age, enough of her mother who regularly drink warm water.

7. Allow Baby On
How to cope with flatulence in infants can also be done by letting the baby move actively. Movements of the baby will encourage the digestion process to run more optimally, but also can help the gas out through fart and belch.

Such are some ways to cope with flatulence in infants that you can apply. Keep in mind also that, for nursing mothers, try to avoid foods that can trigger the gas such as cauliflower, cabbage, onions, broccoli, or nuts. Because the food is consumed by the mother, the juice will flow through the milk and cause problems in the baby's bloating is getting worse. May be useful.

Brain Development of Children From 0 Until 12 Years Old

Brain development of children from 0 until 12 years old
The brain starts to grow and develop since the baby is still in the womb, exactly after the age of 8 weeks of pregnancy. The central nervous system or brain is the organ that was first formed. It initially begins with the formation of a neural plate around the 16th day of pregnancy. Then, this neural plate rolls up into a neural tube on the 22nd day. Then, begin to produce nerve cells.

Well, on the 35th day of pregnancy or around the fifth week, begin to see the embryo of the big brain at the end of the nerve tube. Next, the brain stem, the cerebellum and other parts develop. At eight weeks' gestation, there was an unusually fast production of nerve cells, roughly 250,000 per second. Growth and development of the brain is also very fast, especially starting in the third trimester, approximately 25 weeks of pregnancy until children aged 2 years.

The process of brain development of a person, 90% occur in the first 5 years of life. This means that toddlerhood becomes very important for brain development.

The process of brain development in each phase is influenced by important factors, which include; daily experience, received responses, nutritional intake, activity and genetic factors. Let's study the stages of brain development, so as to make sure it goes well.

Fetus until 5 years
In the first five years of this little boy's life, his brain development phase is divided into two stages:

0 - + 10 months (Fetus)
At this time parts of the brain begin to form, neurons (nerve cells) begin to grow. This is the most important period in the process of brain development of children because it will form more than 100 billion cells of nerve cells / neurons. In order for this development process to take place optimally, pregnant mothers need to regulate lifestyle during pregnancy. In addition to being required to stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and avoid ingredients that contain heavy metals, because they can interfere with fetal brain growth; pregnant women are also advised to remain relaxed (not experiencing stress), eat enough essential fatty acids such as AA, DHA, Folic Acid, vitamins B6 and B12. The mothers are also expected to stimulate the process of fetal brain formation with various sensations of touch, and sound.

Born until 6 years
After birth, the brain's developmental phase is the formation of connections between billions of nerve cells that have been formed and the maturation function of parts of the brain used to control body movement, thinking, and perceiving. The most developed part of the brain in this phase is Frontal Lobes. This part of the brain develops emotion, closeness, planning process, and memory. The child's own recognition and sense of well-being is also growing rapidly during this time, while everyday experiences will create emotional comfort.

By the age of 6, the weight of the child's brain has reached 95% of the adult brain's weight and the process of maturation of brain function in this flowering period requires considerable amount of energy compared to other periods.

At the time of maturation of this brain function, the important thing is prepared is a good intake of nutrients and a conducive environment to stimulate the brain to work optimally. Essential nutrients for maturation of brain function are essential fatty acids such as AA, DHA and EPA, amino acids such as L-Glutamic acid and also multivitamins such as Vitamin B complex, Vit B12 and folic acid. Give the child various opportunities, and respond to him with affection. Conversely, negative or abusive treatment will trigger the development of unstable emotions in the future.

School age
The process of brain development in school age continues and is actually part of the process of development to adulthood (productive age, ready to work)

7 until 12 years
At this stage the relationship between the nerves, or known as the 'gray matter' is the process of connecting parts of the brain continues and reinforced. The repetition of stimulation will strengthen the already established relationships. Fatty tissue that envelopes nerve cells or often referred to as 'white matter' increases, resulting in an acceleration of signal delivery which means the brain works very well to control the body system, and the relationship between nerve cells becomes stable. At this stage, the most recent part reaches maturity is the Prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain functions to control movements, as well as decision-making. No wonder if many teens look hard to control their bodies. Tends to move fast, or otherwise clumsily moves.

At this age, parents should stimulate the child to be able to control gestures. The trick is to ask him to exercise. Generally sports movements have a specific purpose that can stimulate children to move their body, so trained and directed.

Indeed the phase of development of this age lasts until someone reaches the age of 22 years. At that age, the brain will achieve the best performance, in function and response.

Consider this developmental phase, and provide the best nutrition and stimulation for your baby's brain and function to grow optimally. that's information about the stages of brain development in children starting from the age of 0 to 12 years should you note, so that your child becomes smart and healthy.

Recognize Central Nervous System Disorders In Infants

Recognize Central nervous system disorders In Infants
Neurological disorders in infants - Some nervous system disorders that can occur in infants include autism, damage to the neural tube, cerebral palsy, and hydrocephalus.

The brain is an important part of the central nervous system. It has been function to organize and coordinate most of the movement, body function and behavior. The human brain has developed while still in the womb or when the fetus is approximately 6 weeks in the womb of the mother until the baby was born aged 4 to 5 years. At the age of 0 to 2 years, brain development of children and the formation of brain cells growing rapidly, so this period is called the golden period.

In the golden age, it is important to always support the development of the baby. However, in certain circumstances the baby may have problems or disorders of the nervous system. If at that time the baby has problems in the nervous system, it will affect the baby's development. Where the development will be hampered which causes disruption in adulthood later.

Some neurological disorders can occur in infants. Recognize neurological disorders in infants as follows:

Autism is one of the most common nervous system disorders in children. This nervous system disorder is caused by a disturbance in purkinje cells. This neurological disorder is genetic, which in this disorder occurs abnormally enlarged the brain.

Age detection of autism that occurs in children is at the age of 2.5 to 4 years. However, symptoms and early signs of autism in infants can be observed early when the baby is aged 6 to 18 months.

Children with autism have behaviors that are different from normal children. Where he will behave unnaturally, such as fear of a thing with excessive. In addition, children with autism can not focus on the surrounding environment, often repeat the same activity, and perform other deviant behavior. Neurological disorders that can affect this baby can be given therapy. However, the obstacle takes a long time.

Damage to the Neural Tubes
Damage that occurs in the neural tube in early pregnancy becomes a risk factor for neurological disorders in infants. Usually with this condition the baby will be born in a state of death. However, not all babies with this condition die. For a live-born baby will usually have permanent nerve defects, even known the baby's age will not be long.

Hydrocephalus is a disorder that occurs when the baby is still in the mother's womb. Where the disorder is caused due to parasites. The parasite that causes the disorder in this baby is in the body of a pregnant mother.

Some types of parasites that cause this disorder include, Toxoplasma, Cytomegalovirus, Rubella, and Herpes simplex Virus. Hydrocephalus is a condition where there is an enlargement in the fluid-filled head cavity. This one neurological disorder makes the baby's developmental coordination system inhibited.

Cerebral Palsy
Another neurological disorder that can occur in infants is cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disorder that causes brain paralysis in infants. With this state the baby is not able to perform activities like that done by a normal baby.

Babies who have this nervous breakdown will experience slow development. Even babies with this disorder experience insufficiency in speech and difficulty in motor movement.

Based on the research, risk factors of cerebral palsy occur during the period of pregnancy, childbirth and up to 2 years old child. Here are the risk factors for cerebral palsy:

Factors that cause the fetus at risk of cerebral palsy when in pregnancy because it is caused by infection when in the womb. These infections can attack the fetus such as Toksoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus or other viral infections. In addition, excessive exposure to radiation during pregnancy can be a cause.

While during labor, the risk that can make the baby has cerebral palsy is a baby born less moon or premature, lack of oxygen or motherhood amniotic fluid poisoning.

Meanwhile, after birth, the factors that cause cerebral palsy include a collision that occurs when the baby is in the womb or after birth, brain infection, meningitis in infants, and recurrent seizures.

Cerebral palsy or infant brain paralysis can usually be seen when the baby is 3 to 6 months old. The main symptoms in children who suffer from cerebral palsy is experiencing impaired function of motion and posture, the child's growth and development of obstacles that can be seen since the baby.

Disorder of this motion function is accompanied by other disorders such as cognition, sensory, behavioral, communication and epilepsy. The baby may have normal abnormalities, such as not being able to sit despite his age is enough to sit. Even babies can have severe abnormalities that can cause the arms and legs to change shape. So there are some neurological disorders that can occur in infants. May be useful.

Colic Causes the Baby Crying Excessively Especially at Night

Colic Causes the Baby Crying Excessively Especially at Night
Babies who cry excessively most usually do have a relationship with Colic. Colic itself is a condition where the baby's digestive system is disturbed, making the baby's stomach feel uncomfortable. Colic in baby is characterized by crying for hours, can be up to 3 hours a day, for at least 3 days a week, even up to 3 weeks or more. And generally colic occurs in the first few weeks after the baby is born, and will stop after the baby is 4 months old.

Causes of Colic in baby
Colic occurs in 20% of baby, and the cause is not known for certain. But it often happens because of indigestion caused by:

The digestive system and the central nervous system are not perfect in the newborn.
Abdominal bloating due to "catching cold", or too many babies swallowing air while nursing.
Experiencing constipation to hard "waste of wind".
Reflux, a condition in which stomach acid and milk are back up into the esophagus.
Intensitive baby intestines (intolerance) against certain types of proteins or lactose (eg cow's milk formula) so that allergic to milk.
However, sometimes this condition is not diagnosed, so it is not suspected as a health problem. And you need to know, Colic can occur in babies who grow with adequate nutrition, healthy, active and good growth.

Recognize crying baby because of colic
Babies may be suspected of having colic when crying shows characteristics:

Crying very loudly with screams and episodic that is one moment arises, one moment disappears, but one or two minutes later will cry again.
Crying excessively after drinking or waking up, especially at night. But the baby remains normal and healthy besides those times.
Usually followed by hand movements clenched to the abdomen, body tighten, knees bent toward the chest, his face flushed, and also accompanied arched back.
Abdominal bloated baby, marked with a baby stomach that feels a bit hard, and several times "waste of wind".

That's some of the symptoms of colic that causes babies crying excessively, especially at night.